My WordPress Plugin Stacks for e-Commerce and Affiliate Websites


First, if you haven’t seen my first ten plugins list, go check that out beforehand. It’s called The 10 Most Essential WordPress Plugins for a Hostgator Hosted Blog. It will go over the very first ones I typically install and activate in an order that makes sense to me with my set up.

This will pick up from there and, for the most part, finish up where it left off. These two lists will introduce a few more plugins that may help you achieve certain goals for your Affiliate and/or E-Commerce Site (online store). You could do both! As a matter of fact, people do both on a regular basis and more. So let’s get going so you can determine if some of these sound like they could help improve your project.

Affiliate Websites

duplicate post plugin

Duplicate Post

Easily duplicates pages you’ve built. You may like to use that format later on another page if it seems to convert well.

download manager plugin

Download Manager

Makes it easy to deliver downloads and track how many.

print-o-matic plugin


Some people still like to have a hard copy of articles and a way to print them out or save the pdf. Make it easier for them. Some plugins already have this option, though. So if this is the case, never mind.

Smush plugin


Minimizes your images to a smaller size as much as possible and includes a lazy-load feature so your visitor doesn’t have to wait for all the images to load first.

blackhole for bad bots plugin

Black Hole for Bad Bots – Helps to conserve your resources if your site is being scraped by bots that perform certain actions like click links, fill out forms etc.

optimize database after deleting revisions plugin

Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions

Deletes extra information from your files so it doesn’t hold onto a bunch of information you’re not using. It helps clean things up a bit to conserve space and resources.

Depending on the type of site you’re planning, this is where you get into the more interactive sites like e-commerce. These and other types of sites where you will be conducting monetary transactions for products, services and memberships require more information to move back and forth.

In order to conduct transactions, you’ll need to have an ssl certificate, a way to automate certain emails to your customers and a way to monitor how your visitors interact with your website.

These next few plugins will cover just that. So here we go.

E-Commerce / Online Store

woocommerce plugin


Includes the framework of a basic store.

stripe for woocommerce

Stripe for Woocommerce – Allows a person to accept credit cards.

cartflows plugin

CartFlows for Woocommerce

Funnels, Thank You Pages and Checkout Pages that you can use to split test a product or offer different experiences based on the product type. You can use it to customize how your different funnels or products are sold if you want by assigning the different groups to differently designed checkout pages.

duracelltomi google tag manager for wordpress

DuracellTomi’s Google Tag Manager (GTM4WP) for WordPress

Instead of Head, Footer & Post Injections, this plugin is great for more datalayer information you can track if you have an online store. It helps with setting up the datalayer for what’s called Enhanced e-Commerce Conversions so you can track certain metrics in your sales process like purchase conversions, add-to-cart, form submissions, etc.

printful integration for woocommerce

Print-On-Demand Integration for Woocommerce

You can fairly easily set up your own store with products you designed for a fraction of what it would cost you to open up a physical shop. Printful is the one I use for printing my t-shirts and other garments and embroidering my hats. There are a few out there to choose from, so make sure you check them out and see if there’s something that works better for you, like a local printer, perhaps.

Honorable RE-mention

Because Smush is already on the Affiliate Website plugin list, I won’t add it here. As a matter of fact, this plugin could have gone on the first ten list if your site is going to have a lot of images. Now that I think about it, it usually goes on pretty early. I try to optimize my images before I put them on my site, however, it always manages to minimize them even more. It also has a lazy load function. It helps in the long-run to help your site run a little faster.

If you decide to build an online store, when you start to add your product images or mockups, some of those can be a pretty big size. I’d rather make it a smaller size using your favorite graphics program and “Save For Web”. Depending on your settings within the theme you can figure out what size your images should be for different things; like feature images, header images, product images, thumbnails, etc.

Sometimes I install plugins in order of necessity or complexity, sorta. If I’m just building the pages and non-visual content, I may not need to Smush any images. On the other hand, it doesn’t take much time and it does a good job.

A person could talk for hours about one plugin. If you add another one or two, you could talk for days. I hope this gives you a good idea about what some of your first more important plugins might be. If you would like to know what I use them for, you can visit HERE.

Thanks for your time.


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